Today class end around 2.45pm so we plan to AGM a while then only go back . AGM ?? u guys must be wondering wads AGM . AGM is the term used in pig family . it means sit back and gossip. lol . it is the time when u can talk about anything n share any stories. So AGM a while with Jason and Bryan at foyer . Then when they both went back home , kor suddenly suggested to go 3K to eat rojak then only go back .
So 3 car headed to 3K and we order 2 sets . So total 2 rojak 2 cendol . Sat down and gossip n gossip till about 4 plus only went back home . Ntg much to post bout that except 1 cute pic that I took for kor . Damn cute !!
He's one of the nicest guy I have ever seen . He loves everyone with his purest heart and he cares for everyone especially his loved ones . His unselfish love touched my heart and this makes me treasure him so much. He's always there when I faced any problem and helped me through all my ups and downs . Although i dont say it out much , but deep down inside my heart I appreciate you a lot and glad that I have you as my KOR . ^^ THANKS KOR ! U ROCK TO THE MAX !
Love ,
Th3 Purpl3 PrInc3Ss
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